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International conference organized by "JurInfoR-MSU" Institute for Contemporary Education, “JurInfoR” center, the Criminalists and Criminologists’ Union (Moscow), and the U.S. Department of Justice, 20-21 May, 1997, Moscow

On combating new types of economic crimes in Russia and the United States

Enhancing Efforts to Combat Criminal Groups in Institutions of Confinement

V.I. Belosludtsev

A major reserve to use in lowering the level of crime, which has risen in recent years, is to enhance efforts to combat criminal groups at institutions of confinement, for recidivism among members of such groups is considerably higher than among other criminal-sentence prisoners.

Analysis and summing up of experience in combating criminal groups and neutralizing their leaders make it possible to formulate certain recommendations on how that work at institutions of confinement can be enhanced. Here are the most important of those recommendations:

1. Create conditions at correctional institutions to force a leader to violate “the prisoner’s code of honor”, which would impair the leader’s authority with other prisoners.

2. Study closely the facts of a leader’s personal life at previous institutions of confinement to find information about violations of the “criminal code of honor” and use that information to cause the man’s associates lose faith in him.

3. Take advantage of struggle for leadership, often accompanied by mutual accusations, insults, and even violence, to make leaders look bad to other members of criminal groups.

4. Criminal group leaders and their close associates violating institution regulations should be put in separate maximum-custody areas for the rest of their terms, to be brought back to the general confinement area only if they renounce “criminal ideology”.

5. Obtain written statements renouncing “the prisoner’s code of honor” to consolidate the efforts to kill criminal group leaders’ authority and the results thereby obtained.

6. Institution management should make use of contradictions that exist within criminal groups.

7. Separate criminal groups by sending their members to different prisoner detachments or to other institutions.

There are some other recommendations that can be used by skilled specialists only.

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