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International conference organized by "JurInfoR-MSU" Institute for Contemporary Education, “JurInfoR” center, the Criminalists and Criminologists’ Union (Moscow), and the U.S. Department of Justice, 20-21 May, 1997, Moscow

On combating new types of economic crimes in Russia and the United States

Specific Crime Factors Influencing Economic Crimes in a Resort Area

Oleg Yurievich Melyokhin

1. Economic crimes in a resort area in southern Russia have some specific features caused by changes in the structure of the area’s economic activities, the population structure, and the people’s attitudes. A resort area’s economy is anchored to the operation of resorts, so criminal organizations seek control over health resorts, holiday centers, tourist centers, camping sites, and other resort facilities, as well as private homes.

2. Business people refuse to report offenses against their property unless the damage exceeds $1,000 and are reluctant to disclose information to investigators, even if police officers investigate the crimes on their own initiative.

3. The behavior of business people on holiday (their ways and manners, respectable appearance, and spending sprees) impacts the mentality of local people, especially young people. This serves to provoke criminally-minded persons to commit illegal acts and to motivate many young people to get rich no matter what, even by joining a criminal organization.

4. The increase in personal and property crimes against business people in sea resort areas in the summer seasons of 1992-1997 has to do with a number of factors: investment into real estate development (the construction of homes and cottages on the sea coast and in other scenic spots) - which are profitable investment, as evidenced by subsequent exchanges, resales, etc.; illegal purchases and resales of land for summer cottages and homes; concealment of summer-season rent incomes; investment into resort business development (the construction of casinos, amusement parks, gambling and entertainment facilities, restaurants, etc.).

5. These specific crime factors should be taken into account by law-enforcement agencies in developing and implementing crime-control plans, to enhance the effectiveness of protecting public safety in resort areas.

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