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International conference organized by "JurInfoR-MSU" Institute for Contemporary Education, “JurInfoR” center, the Criminalists and Criminologists’ Union (Moscow), and the U.S. Department of Justice, 20-21 May, 1997, Moscow

On combating new types of economic crimes in Russia and the United States

Information Technology in Combating Organized Crime

Anatoly Semyonovich Ovchinsky, Igor Alekseevich Naumov

Unconventional types of crimes, involving wide use of information technology, require adequate measures to be taken by law-enforcement agencies.

Apart from the improvement of data retrieval systems and the use of special equipment in crime-detection operations, there are some other topical avenues in the development of information technology to be used in combating new crimes which should be pursued.

Those include:

— the development of hardware and software to provide active data protection and conduct computer-assisted criminal intelligence;

— the development of computer modeling methods to model crime situations to perform on-line crime-detection analysis and make current and strategic forecasts;

— the development of situation management methods involving information-psychological influence on the leaders and members of criminal groups in the course of crime-detection and investigative operations.

Combating organized crime cannot be effective without substantial research and development efforts in these fields.

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