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International conference organized by "JurInfoR-MSU" Institute for Contemporary Education, “JurInfoR” center, the Criminalists and Criminologists’ Union (Moscow), and the U.S. Department of Justice, 20-21 May, 1997, Moscow

On combating new types of economic crimes in Russia and the United States

The Theoretical and Applied Significance of Modeling Economic Crime Mechanisms

Sergei Ivanovich Tsvetkov

Economic crimes are difficult to investigate and are extremely dangerous to society, therefore it is necessary to use special research tools to obtain a comprehensive picture of a crime and on that basis to formulate practical recommendations for investigators. One such tool is modeling, which Professor I.M. Luzgin has done so much to develop as a method of criminalistic research.

Prerequisites for modeling economic crime mechanisms as part of criminalistic research are as follows: a) these activities are complex, criminal functions are diverse, such crimes involve organized criminal communities; b) the types of economic crimes and methods involved are extremely changeable, dynamic, and international in scope; c) it is necessary to develop new methods of investigating such crimes; d) it is necessary to reduce the number of errors committed by investigators in making tactical decisions about such crimes; e) it is imperative that all organizations and agencies of society (not just government organizations) immediately react as new types of crimes emerge and existing ones grow more dangerous; f) it is important to implement crime-prevention social programs; g) criminal legislation should be constantly improved as new types of economic crimes and modi operandi emerge.

Economic crime mechanism modeling should build an hierarchy of non-contradictory non-synonymous concepts describing: the crime and investigation situation, the categories of persons involved in the criminal actions, economic crime methods, objects against which offenses are committed, and other circumstances to be proven, and the types of relationships among those concepts.

The purely theoretical modeling tool fulfills a range of applied tasks enhancing the effectiveness of economic crime investigations. Here are just a few of those tasks:

1) develop methodological recommendations for investigators;

2) design various computer systems to support tactical decision-making by investigators (Russia has accumulated considerable experience in designing such systems, and some of them have been successfully used in investigations);

3) design computer systems to assist analytical work and economic crime investigation planning;

4) design a set of training computer systems (monitoring-training and imitation-modeling systems; Russia has advanced processes to design them);

5) improve and develop economic crime-detection data bases and build them into knowledge bases.

Evidently, this scientific problem should be handled in a thorough and comprehensive manner — not only by major research institutions, but also through international integration of crime-detection experts and researchers.

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