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International conference organized by "JurInfoR-MSU" Institute for Contemporary Education, “JurInfoR” center, the Criminalists and Criminologists’ Union (Moscow), and the U.S. Department of Justice, 20-21 May, 1997, Moscow

On combating new types of economic crimes in Russia and the United States

Problems of development of computer systems as support in solution selection in the sphere of application of norms related to responsibility for economic crime

Ismailova L.Yu.

Sharp political and economic changes that have taken place in Russua have created a completely new situation in the field of legislation and application of law. It is related to the appearance of a whole number of new problems: a) a considerable expansion and complication of the sphere of legal regulation; b) complication and increase in the volume of law application activity; c) mounting of inner contradictions between different norms of law; d) appearance of a big quantity of new laws and sublegal acts; e) considerable volumes of reference norms.

One of the ways of enhancing the effectiveness and quality of informational assurance for solving strategic and operational tasks in law application activity lies in the realization of informational processes, its constituents by means of automated informational systems and their technologies. The most important aspect in the realization of a complex programme of transition to a new level in the use of informational systems and computer technology in the field of legislation and law application practice is the development of computer systems for support in making decisions in the sphere of application of norms related to responsibility for economic crime. Realistic introduction and application of software and hardware, ensuring intensive development and effective use of informational resources in that field is closely related to the integration of the results of the research in the field of legal databases and knowledge bases.

Pursuit of new approaches to the task of informational assurance of the processes of making decisions in the sphere of investigation of economic crime has been prompted by the insufficient effictiveness of the traditional means of presentation and treatment of information and its avalanche-like growth . It is in this field as in no other one that data are accumulated quicker than they can be treated, analyzed and interpreted.

The dependence of the results of law application practice in this sphere on the accuracy of interpretation of situations from different and, more often than not, complicated subject fields of human activity, the use in making decisions of a big quantity of estimation categories, the appearance of a great number of new participants in legal relations (and frequent changes in their status at that) have required development of new approaches to analysis and consolidation of informational resources within the framework of integrated systems of data.

Most promising practical prospects in the field of data treatment are related to development and realization of heterogeneous simulative informational systems of assurance for law application activity.

Ongoing increase in volumes of heterogeneous data, that are used in simulative systems, the necessity to ensure their correct presentation and mobility of applied software for assurance of law application practice — all that requires creation of developed methods for presentation and treatment of data, oriented at building whole complexes of software for technological support of the process of development and application of simulative systems as well as developing principles for consolidation of informational resources of heterogeneous informational complexes for the purposes of assurance of effective applicaion of the law.

The matters related to the development of theoretical bases for construction of informational systems for the application of the law, methods of simulation and creation of instrumental systems to ensure law application activity at all the stages of its simulation require development of approaches to the analysis of the regulation of laws.

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