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International conference organized by "JurInfoR-MSU" Institute for Contemporary Education, “JurInfoR” center, the Criminalists and Criminologists’ Union (Moscow), and the U.S. Department of Justice, 20-21 May, 1997, Moscow

On combating new types of economic crimes in Russia and the United States

Theses: Information Security of Economic Activities and Computer Crimes

Vladimir Vadimovich Krylov

1. Society’s information environment continues to be improved along these three avenues: information systems are developed, information resources management skills improve, and social aspects of computer development grow in depth.

2. Criminal law regulation of information legal relationships is a major aspect of legislative regulation development.

3. Priorities pertaining to revision of some criminalistic concepts of methods employed to investigate crimes against information systems, in the light of the enactment of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

4. The need to define criminalistic characteristics of computer and communication crimes as components of information crimes.

5. Information as a subject to search for, detect, record, and examine.

6. Problems of teaching the skills required to search for, detect, record, and examine evidence in investigating information crimes.

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