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International conference organized by "JurInfoR-MSU" Institute for Contemporary Education, “JurInfoR” center, the Criminalists and Criminologists’ Union (Moscow), and the U.S. Department of Justice, 20-21 May, 1997, Moscow

On combating new types of economic crimes in Russia and the United States

Criminal-Law Protection of the Russian and US Economies

Vladimir Yevgeniyevich Eminov

One indicator of the well-being and stability of the State and society is effective legal protection of economic relations.

The problems of criminal-law provisions against crimes in the economic field are equally topical for countries facing an aggravation of socio-political and economic contradictions and for advanced economies.

The International Conference On Combating New Types of Economic Crimes in Russia and the United States, held by the Criminalists and Criminologists’ Union of Russia, the US Department of Justice, and the Institute of Current Education , JurInfoR - MSU Institute for Contemporary is an attempt to unite research and practical-experience potential for impacting crime in what is a most important social sphere.

The United States has an advanced economy and an effective Federal system monitoring the legitimacy of economic activities; however, its economy is not adequately protected against criminal offenses, which are more sophisticated than any other crimes.

Russia is going through a transition period, and its economy comes under an especially intensive influence, including sometimes criminal influence.

Many new types of crimes have emerged in the field of economic relations, some of them are defined as crimes by the new Criminal Code, but the high degree of the Russian economy’s criminalization continues to be a dangerous negative trend today.

A considerable portion of economic crimes are international in scope, affecting, specifically, the economic security of the United States.

Since Russia has not yet built an effective system of counteracting economic crimes, it is especially important, timely, and topical to consolidate the efforts of law-enforcement agencies and law researchers of Russia and the United States to develop proposals and programs for combating new types of economic crimes.

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